Page for Original
Modularized Spectrum Analyzer
original MSA mated with a laptop computer. Not pretty, but works
quite well.
Site was Started Jan. 02,
Updated this page Sept. 1, 2007
11-01-09 This page is no longer maintained.
This Page, for the Original MSA,
will present construction ideas for
the Basic Spectrum Analyzer, using
Modular Construction. Other pages support the
operation, and software for the
Modularized Spectrum Analyzer, including modifications to the Basic MSA
to include a Tracking Generator. More (in-work) pages show how to
convert the MSA/Tracking Generator to a Vector Network Analyzer
Here are other links supporting this
MSA : Tracking Generator Addition
page for the MSA. Operation and Calibration page for the
MSA. Instructions for calibration and alignment. Testing the Modules page for the
MSA. Instructions for testing individual modules. Softwarepage
for the MSA. Description of the software code. Link
to Builder's Group for those interested in
ideas on
the MSA. There are several people in the process of building the
MSA and can offer suggestions and comments. This is a Yahoo Group
page and you are welcome to enter and contribute. MSA as a Vector Network
Analyzer. An in-work page to convert the MSA into a high
frequency VNA. Note that, this page is in-work and
there is much to be added. Coaxial Cavity Bandpass Filter. A page
for construction of the MSA bandpass filter. Step Recovery Diode frequency multiplier
scheme that can replace LO 2 in the MSA
These are the
operating Specifications of the original MSA: Dual
MHz first I.F., 10.7 MHz final I.F. Frequency
2 KHz to 1140 MHz (with 2 KHz
resolution bandwidth filter) Min. Step Freq.
1.4 Hz at 0 Mhz, 2.8 Hz at 1000 MHz Input Power
-20 dBm to -110
dBm Maximum
Power Input
+17 dBm or 40
milliamps (without damage) Dynamic
> 90 dB Amplitude
Appx 0.03 dB Selectivity
I use 4 different Final I.F. BW filters: 9.5 MHz/200 Hz, 11.15 Mz/2 KHz,
10.695 MHz/4 KHz, 10.7 MHz/15 KHz
Noise Figure
24 dB Phase
-97 dBc/Hz (1 Hz BW), 3 KHz away from
-97 dBc/Hz 10 KHz away from
-89 dBc/Hz 40 KHz away from
carrier (noise peaking)
-101 dBc/Hz 100 KHz away from
-114 dBc/Hz 300 KHz away from
better than -116 dBc/Hz 500 KHz away
carrier or above Image
In-Band Image Rejection is better than -112 dBc,
Two tone, better than -60
dBc, worse case. Avg better than -70 dBc
Other Hardware Required:
PC or Laptop Computer with LPT 1 standard
port. Windows 95 or later.
Monitor can be any size, but must be set for a
minimum of 800 by 600 pixel resolution. More is fine.
I am using a Toshiba Satellite Laptop, 700 MHz
Celeron. Software Required
Application software is Liberty Basic 3.01 or more
recent. I am not a
software guru. I was
famaliar only with HP Basic and Commodore Basic and this is very
similar. Liberty is also very inexpensive, their trial version
4.0 is
free. Go visit their web
site at www.libertybasic.com.
Description of the MSA:
Diagram for 0 to 1 GHz MSA
I built the Modularized Spectrum Analyzer using
techniques, with SMA connectors and RG-141 or RG-085 hard pipe
the modules. Most of the modules were built using printed circuit
boards supplied by Cash Olsen. A few others were built "dead
bug" style or substituted with
connectorized components.
Each module, except the Control Module,
must be
totally shielded to prevent stray RF interference. I use a
1/2 to 1 inch tall "fence" cut from coffee can lids, placed
around the
perimeter of the module's pwb and soldered on both sides of the
board. I formed a lid from the same material, so that it fit over
the top
of each module. After testing is complete, the lids can be
soldered to the fence.
I have some general design and
for modules that are susceptible to RF interference. They are:
Do not have a pad, line trace, or component pin
exposed to the
outside of the module unless it is well bypassed (decoupling
capacitors). For example, mount DIP packages in a surface mount
style, and don't allow the pins to stick through the board.
Each module should contain its own voltage
regulator. This will maintain good power regulation for the
devices, and it will also help contain RFI within the module.
RF inputs and outputs of each module can be either
(or any small connector) or directly soldered, coaxial cable. I
have been quite successful with direct connections using RG-188.
Click here to view a method of Coaxial
Connection to a PCB. I have gone so far as to
remove the outer insulation and "sweat" the outer braid with
solder. This makes a 100% outer jacket. Almost as good as
hard pipe!
Module Descriptions:
Mixer 1 and Mixer 2 Modules
There are a many mixers that will perform well
at the intended frequencies of the MSA. For best
very low input frequencies, I used the "I" port of
mixer 1 as the input to the MSA. I must caution the builder that
mixers are not as they are advertised. That is, my definition of
an "I
port" is the port that is coupled to the diode network, not the
transformer network. The diode network port usually has a much
better low
frequency response than the R or L ports. MSA inputs down
to a
few KHz can be
measured quite accurately, depending on the quality of Mixer 1.
If the mixer has a
very good L port to I port isolation (greater than 40 dB), input
frequencies as low as the bandwidth of the Final IF Xtal Filter can be
measured. One more caution: the I port of a mixer can be
destroyed by
a high level input signal. Good rule of thumb to prevent mixer
maximum input signal should not be greater than the specified LO input
power. And NEVER, apply DC voltage to any port of a mixer, this
could result in destruction of the mixer.
In my current MSA, I am using a connectorized
Watkins Johnson M1J for Mxr 1. For Mxr 2, I am using an
ERSL-38X. They
can be substituted with a variety of other
mixers. Any
+7 dBm or +13 dBm drive mixer that has an IF port response from DC
to 1000 MHz can be used. The RF port should have a good response
at 1000 MHz and the LO port should have good response from 1000 MHz to
2000 MHz. For Mixer 1, choose a mixer that has the best
interport isolation. 40 dB isolation from L to R (or better)
would be great.
For building your own Mixer Module, the following is a viable
Generic Mixer
using ADE-11X:
This mixer module is
shown with coupling capacitors on each port. In reality, they are
not always needed. However, the spacing is there in case the
builder would like to add blocking capacitors, a resistive pi network
attenuator, or a pi type filter using descrete components.
Note that the port markings are per Minicircuits
specifications. In reality, pins 3 and 6 are the transformer
inputs and pin 2 is the diode bridge. The ADE-11X is
not the most optimum mixer because it has
poor L to R port isolation at 1013 MHz (-24 dB). However, it does
have less conversion loss than the specs, closer to 6.0 dB, and
is very inexpensive.
This pwb was done by Cash Olsen at www.zianet.com/erg
and can be used for any mixer that has the same
as the ADE-11X.
Here are suggested designs for Mixer 1 and Mixer 2 for the
The attenuators are designed for -6 dB. If different attenuation
is required, simply change the resistor networks. Mixer 2 is
with a low pass filter, to attenuate high level frequency products
before entering the I.F. amplifier. Note: The I port in the
schematic is the mixer port with the diodes.
MHz First Intermediate Frequency
Filter :
The main purpose of the
first I.F. filter is to attenuate
the in-band image frequency, which is at 1034.7 MHz. There are
some pretty good,
Q filter designs out there. Don't be afraid to substitute.
For example, my present MSA is using an Interdigital Filter that was
found on e-bay and supplied to me from Bruce, in Canada. The
following is my design of a Coaxial Cavity Filter that has extremely
good selectivity. It was built and tested in the MSA, giving an
attenuation of -112 dBc at 1034 MHz. It has a loaded Q of over
500. First I.F. Coaxial Cavity Filter
I must tell you,
plumbing is not my "thing", but, this was really easy to
I used RG-141 hardpipe for input and output. I disected some
RG-141 to use its center conductor for
interstage "hairpin" coupling and use it's teflon dielectric for
spacers. It was
"fairly" close to 50 ohms
and had a loss of about 7 dB. Silver plating would improve
insertion loss
but, hey, let's keep it cheap. Besides, loss is not a concern
Depending on the length of the
tuning screws, this filter will tune from 800 MHz to 1150 MHz. The bandwidth should be
about 2 MHz. I bought the copper tubing at Home
Depot in a 24" length. I took my measurements with me and
used their pipe
cutter. I used .062 brass for the end plates and threaded one for
screws. Thinner material would require soldering a 4-40 nut
on the material to hold the tuning screws. For my in-band Image
measurements, this filter performed brilliantly. Image was better
than -112
dBc. See more on how to construct a cavity filter : Cavity Filter Construction
A Voltage Controlled Oscillator, in combination
a PLL, is used for each Local Oscillator in the MSA. LO 1
range is 1013.3 MHz to 2013.3 MHz. LO 2 is a fixed frequency of
1024 MHz. These frequencies assume that the MSA has a first I.F.
frequency of 1013.3 MHz and a Final I.F. frequency of
10.7 MHz. LO 2 can be replaced by an optional frequency
multiplier scheme. The following is a generic schematic and
layout for any VCO that uses the footprint of the Minicircuits ROS type
of VCO. The output is high enough to drive a high level mixer
(+13 dBm). It should be padded down to about +7 for driving
standard level mixers. The resistors in
padding networks for P1 and P2 can be recalculated for other values of
The pwb, shown, was produced by Cash Olsen.
Updated 9-22-06
The following is a schematic of a General Purpose VCO Module with dual
buffer amplifier outputs. I recommend using this circuit when
adding a Tracking Generator or converting the MSA into a Vector Network
Analyzer. I actually modified the above PWB to accomodate the
second amplifier, but I don't recommend this operation for the
Module using ROS-2150VW :
VCO uses a Vcc of +5v. Therefore the regulator should be an
LM78M05 and
the R bias resistor should be 30 ohms. It will tune from 950 MHz
to 2200 MHz. Output of the amplified port (P4) is about +8 dBm.
Module using UMS-2150-R16 :
VCO uses a Vcc of +12v. Therefore the regulator should be an
LM78M12 and
the R bias resistor should be 180 ohms. It will tune from 900 MHz (.6v), 1500 MHz (6.5v), to
2300 MHz (17.5v). Output of the P4 is
about +13 dBm.
My present MSA is utilizing the UMS-2150 for VCO 1.
Module using V585ME08 :
VCO specifies a Vcc of 10v. However, I built up this module using a Vcc
of +12v, to increase the VCO output power. Therefore the
regulator should be an
LM78M12 and
the R bias resistor should be 180 ohms. It will tune from 960 MHz to
2300 MHz . Output of the P4 is
about +13 dBm.
VCO 2 Module using ROS-1500 :
VCO uses a Vcc of +10v. Therefore the regulator should be an
LM78M10 and
the R bias resistor should be 150 ohms. It will tune from 990 MHz (1v), 1100 MHz (5v), and
1024 MHz (2.5v).This tuning characteristic is
perfect for matching with a non-amplified (direct) PLL.
Module using V583ME01 :
This VCO uses a Vcc of +5v.
Therefore the regulator should be an LM78M05 and the R bias resistor
should be 30 ohms. It will tune from 700 MHz (.1v), 1024 MHz
(4.35v), to 1300 MHz (9.0v). My present MSA is utilizing the
V583ME01 for
VCO 2.
Modules : There are many PLL integrated circuits
that will work quite well in the MSA. These module designs
integrate a PLL chip and it's loop components in it's own module,
separate from the VCO component. That way, mixing and matching
components for specific frequency generation is as easy as changing
modules. There are two types of PLL modules discussed here.
The PLL, Type 1 style has an active amplifier in it's loop
filter. The
PLL Type 2 style is a direct loop, that is, no amplifier.
If a VCO will provide the correct output frequency
when it's tuning voltage is within the output voltage range of the PLL
integrated circuit, then no amplification is required. This is
the PLL Type 2 style and is used for the
MSA's LO 2.
In the MSA, the VCO 1 requires about +18 volts to
to the
highest frequency. Since a PLL IC cannot supply more than +5
volts, an amplifier is required in the Loop Filter. The PLL Tye 1
style Module uses an op-amp as an amplifier. The OP27 has been an
industry standard for low noise, PLL loop amplifiers, for many
years. There are new op amps that will work quite well, in place
of the OP27. These include (but are not limited to) LT1677,
AD8610, AD8510, AD8033, AD8671, and AD8065. I am using the last
two in my present MSA/VNA.
The software I have written for the MSA will accomodate 5
different PLL's (at this time). They are the National LMX
2325, LMX 2326, LMX 2350, LMX
2353, and Analog Devices AD 4112.
PLL Type 1, using LMX 2326 or
ADF 4112: PLL
1 schematic, using
LMX 2326 or ADF 4112
This PLL board was produced by Cash Olsen
This module schematic and board design will except
the LMX 2326 or
ADF 4112. If using the LMX, delete the R9, 4.7 K. The
operating characteristics of the ADF is different, but is commanded, in
software, to look electrically identical to the LMX
2326. This module can also be used as PLL 2 in the MSA
if the builder opts for a VCO that requires an op amp.
C1, R2, C2, and C3 are values
that determine the Loop Response of the PLL. These values depend
on the PLL charge pump current and the operating Phase Detector
Frequency (PDF).
For minimum PLL phase noise, the PDF is usually chosen to be as high as
possible, but is limited by several factors:
1. The minimum N-Divider ratio within the PLL. For example,
the LMX 2326 minimum N division ratio is 992. With a minimum VCO
1 frequency of 1013 MHz, the PDF cannot be greater than 1.02 MHz.
2. The DDS output frequency and it's associated filter
bandwidth. The wider the filter bandwidth, the higher a PDF can
be attained. For example: The DDS output and center frequency of
the DDS filter is 10.7 MHz. The filter has a bandwidth of 15 KHz.
This is the formula that determines the maximum PDF that can be used
for a particular DDS output frequency:
PDF = Bandwidth of DDS filter x minimum VCO
Frequency / Center Frequency of DDS Filter.
In this case: PDF = .015 MHz x 1013 MHz / 10.7 MHz = 1.42
MHz. If using an LMX 2326, the maximum PDF is 1.02 MHz, due to
it's minimum N counter. Try using 1.02 MHz as a PDF.
Determine the R divider ratio of the PLL, that is the division ratio of
the Reference input frequency to the PDF =
DDS output frequency / PDF = 10.7 MHz / 1.02 MHz = 10.49. This is
not possible since the division ratio must be a whole number. It
must be chosen to be 11, since 10 would give a PDF higher than the
limitation of the PLL's minimum N counter of 992. Therefore, the
PDF will be 10.7 MHz / 11 = .9727 MHz. This is the frequency at
which the PLL 1 Loop filter should be designed.
For a 7.5 KHz bandwidth filter, the maximum PDF is =
.0075 x 1013 / 10.7 = .71 MHz. The divider ratio would be 10.7 /
.71 = 15.07 using 16. Therefore, the PDF would be
.66875 MHz. A divider ratio of 15 would give a PDF of .7133 MHz ,
within the limitation of the LMX 2326 N-counter, but too great a
frequency shift to remain within the bandwidth of the DDS filter.
For a 4.5 KHz bandwidth filter, the
maximum PDF is = .004 x 1013 / 10.7 = .379
MHz. The divider ratio would be 10.7 / .379 = 28.25
using 29.
Therefore, the PDF would be .369 MHz.
Here are some suggested component
to use in
the loop filter for PLL
1. The values are
dependent on the operating Phase Detector Frequency (PDF), Charge Pump
Current (Icp) and the VCO's tuning gain. They will also,
determine close-in phase noise, noise peaking, and lock time. They can
be modified at the descretion of the builder.
Determining Loop Filter components is not an easy task. I use,
and suggest the
experimentor download, a
really nice (and free) PLL program called ADI SimPLL. It can be
downloaded at the Analog Devices Web Site. It uses the ADF type
PLLs for models, but you can "fudge" the parameters to make them look
LMX devices. The following numbers for PLL 1
assume the
VCO is a ROS-2150VW, or UMS-2150 (70 MHz/volt).
Used as
R2 C2
LMX2326 IntegerN 1.0
ma .669 MHz 220 pf 10.0
K 680 pf 820 pf
ADF 4112
IntegerN 5.0 ma .669 MHz 220
pf 2.0 K 3.3 nf 820 pf
LMX2325 IntegerN 5.0
ma .669 MHz 220 pf 2.0
K 3.3 nf 820 pf
LMX2350/53 IntegerN 1.6
ma .669 MHz 220 pf 6.2
K 1.0 nf 820 pf
LMX2326 IntegerN 1.0
ma .973 MHz 180 pf 10 K
470 pf 560 pf LMX2326
IntegerN 1.0
ma .973 MHz 100 pf 2
10 nf 5 nf (my
present MSA)
1.0 ma .369 MHz 470 pf 10.0
K 1.2 nf 1.5 nf
Click here to see a schematic of PLL 1 using the LMX 2353.
Type 2 style, using LMX 2326 or ADF 4112: PLL 2
using LMX 2326 or ADF 4112
This pwb was done by Cash Olsen
This module is
same basic schematic and layout as the PLL 1 module, but with the op
amp area
deleted. I suggest running the Phase Detector Frequency at 4 MHz
for PLL 2.
Here are some suggested component values
for the PLL 2
loop filter. The values are
dependent on the operating Phase Detector Frequency (PDF), Charge Pump
Current (Icp) and the VCO's tuning gain. They will also,
determine close-in phase noise, noise peaking, and lock time. They can
be modified, at the descretion of the builder. These values assume the
VCO is an ROS-1500 (26 MHz/volt).
Used as
R1 C2
LMX2326 IntegerN
ma 4.0 MHz 180 pf 2.7
K 8.2 nf 2.2 K
270 pf
LMX2326 IntegerN
ma 4.0 MHz 1
nf 1
K 15 nf 1 K
1 nf (present MSA)
LMX2350/53 IntegerN 1.6
ma 4.0 MHz 220 pf 2.2
K 10.0 nf 2.2 K
270 pf
LMX2325 IntegerN
ma 4.0 MHz 680 pf
680 33.0 nf 2.2
K 270 pf
ADF 4112 IntegerN
ma 4.0 MHz 680 pf
680 33.0 nf 2.2
K 270 pf
Final I.F. Amplifier :
Any linear amplifier with gain at
MHz can be used for the Final IF amplifier. It should be capable
of a +10 dBm output, without compression. The noise figure should
be 3 dB or less. The amount of
amplification is optional with the builder. With MSA mixer and
losses totaling, approximately, -24 dB, an amplifier with a gain
of about 44 dB is suggested. I
will present two modularized amplifiers here, a single stage and a 3
stage amplifier.
Single Amplifier using
ERA-33SM or SGA-4586 : This
single stage amplifier has a gain of about 19.5 dB at 10.7 MHz.
The ERA-33SM amplifier can be replaced with an SGA-4586 or other such
"pill" amplifier. The bias resistor, R1, must be changed to the
proper value for other amplifiers. For an SGA-4586,
the value would be 30 ohms and the gain would be approximately 29 dB at
10.7 MHz. The pi type filter (C9, C10, L3) does not
need to be populated if
this amplifier is not intended to be used as the MSA's first final I.F.
This pwb was done by Cash Olsen
3 Stage Amplifier using
ERA-33SM or SGA-4586 : This 3 single
stage amplifier has a gain of about 58 dB at 10.7 MHz. The
amplifiers can be replaced with SGA-4586 or other such "pill"
amplifiers. The bias resistor, R1-R3, must be changed to the
proper values
for other amplifiers. For an SGA-4586, the value would
be 30 ohms and the gain would be approximately 87 dB at 10.7 MHz.
This would be way too much gain for the MSA. Populate
the board with only two SGA-4586 amplifiers and the total
gain will be about 58 dB.
This pwb was done by Cash Olsen
Final I.F. Xtal Filter :
The Final Xtal Filter determines
the Resolution Bandwidth of the MSA.
Steep slopes and out of band rejection
is a must for good selectivity.
A single filter can be
designed and placed here, giving the MSA a single resolution BW.
The software is written to allow up to 4 different filters that can be
placed in circuit, for a multiple resolution BW spectrum
analyzer. I would suggest using filters with the following
bandwidths: 200 Hz, 2 KHz, 15 or 30 KHz, and 300 KHz. I have
found that a 2 KHz BW filter is a very good general purpose.
The above section, Dynamic Range of the
MSA, explains the effect of wide band noise on the MSA. If the
builder prefers a very wide band filter (greater than 15 KHz) I suggest
he decrease the gain of the amplifier to allow for best dynamic range.
If you want to design your own crystal filter, there
are numerous crystal filter design programs, but I find that a very
good (and free) one is AADE Filter Design. I have version
4.03. You might check the AADE
Website for his latest update. There are numerous surplus
crystal filters that can be found on the internet. In many cases,
they are already connectorized and matched for 50 ohms. There is
no hard rule that the frequency of the Final filter has to be 10.7 MHz. I
have used several crystal filters from my junk box: 9.954
MHz/2KHz BW, 10.695 MHz/4KHz, 11.15
MHz/2KHz, 10.7 MHz/15KHz, 10.7 MHz/30
KHz. Crystal filter input/output impedances vary quite a bit, but
range in the 300 ohm to 2000 ohm area. The matching network shown
below, can be a good starting point. Once the analyzer is built and
tested, the
matching values can be tweeked to get good results using the "self
testing" capability of the Analyzer, itself, (narrow sweep around
0 MHz). I would suggest downloading the free RFSim99
software. It has automatic impedance matching circuits
within. Try these sites for downloads:
Here is a 10.695 MHz crystal filter taken from an
old CB
radio. It has 4 internal monolithic crystal
filters. It has a bandwidth of 2.6 KHz and is easily matched to
Detector Module :
The Log
is the mechanism for converting RF power to a dc voltage. Be aware that this, and any, log
detector is very
responsive to broad
band frequencies,
and noise. The Log Det
Module must be preceeded by a bandwidth limiting filter.
Detector using MC3356 :
Although this device is no longer
manufactured, It can be found in many surplus devices. I
find it very "friendly" when constructing this module "dead bug" style,
since it is a standard DIP package. It also has an RF Limited
output, although very high impedance. I am using it it the
MSA/VNA conversion.
It has a dynamic range of -90 dBm to 0 dBm, although
linearity is poor in the highest and lowest 10 dB or range. The
output slope ranges from .27 volts to 2.75 volts. There is an
error on the schematic, change C2 from .1 uf to 1.0 uf.
Detector using AD8307 :
For an
input of -97 dBm
to +3
dBm at 10.7 MHz, the resulting output slope is about 400 millivolts to
volts. It has excellent log linearity between -90 dBm and 0
dBm, with a log response of about 20 mv/dB.
No post video amplification is
necessary, since the 12 bit
analog to digital converter on the control board responds nicely to
these levels.
Notice that the input does not have a 50 ohm
resistive load. The input impedance of the 8307 is 1.1 K
ohms. Therefore, I designed a matching circuit, 50 ohms source to
1.1 k load at 10.7 MHz. This has an effective voltage gain and
requires less drive to achieve full scale output. I have not
built this circuit. It is a "blind" design effort, but I have
built and tested the following AD 8306 circuit, which is similar.
Detector using AD8306 :
The AD8306 has similar characteristics as the
AD8307, and it has a limited RF output. The limiter is not used
in the MSA, but I chose this device so that I would have a "sampled"
I.F. when expanding the MSA into a
Vector Network Analyzer. For an
input of -90 dBm
to +10
dBm at 10.7 MHz, the resulting output slope is about 400 millivolts to
volts. It has excellent log linearity between -85 dBm and +10
dBm, with a log response of about 20 mv/dB.
DDS using AD9850 : Click on schematic to enlarge and
see detail.
This DDS Module
is the steering mechanism for the PLL 1 Module (LO 1) in the
Modularized Spectrum Analyzer. It is used as a Clock Source for
the PLL 1. In effect, the output of the DDS will be multiplied N
times, by PLL 1, to create the actual frequency of LO 1.
There are 2 output ports for this DDS design.
The extra port can be used at the descretion of the builder. When
the spare port is not used, connect a 50 ohm load to the port. On June 13,
I added a modification that will allow the software to
"Reset" the DDS using the WCLK and FQUD lines as an "and"
function. There can be a strange computer situation where, upon
power up, the DDS might "hang-up" in a strange function. When
running the MSA software (revision 103 or later), there is an automatic
Reset that will prevent this occurance.
This DDS pwb was produced by Cash Olsen.
A hardware
modification to this board, is the
addition of D1, D2, and R9. The DDS reset pin-22 was at
Remove pin-22 from ground and connect to the diode anodes.
Connect the diode cathodes to P1, pins 3 and 4. Connect one end of
resistor R9 to the anodes and the other end to +5v.
The DDS output will have an
amplitude of approximately -8 dBm at 10.7 MHz. The signal will
also contain alias frequencies and many spurious frequencies.
The output of the DDS must be
well filtered, to
eliminate spurious and alias frequencies, before using it as a steering
clock for PLL 1. A crystal filter is the
best choice for this function. They are plentiful, cheap, and
easy to incorporate (see DDS Xtal Filter Module). I have chosen
the DDS output to be 10.7 MHz, since this filter frequency is the most
plentiful. It is not a requirement for
the DDS to operate with an output of 10.7 MHz. Normally, I would
advise that the DDS output frequency not be within the bandwidth of
the Final IF filter. However, I have built three spectrum
analyzers with both frequencies being the same, and had no
problem. Good shielding of the modules plays an important
role in preventing the DDS output from getting into the Final IF
modules. On
August 20,
I added a modification to allow the DDS Module to be commanded serially
by 3-wire control. The modification consists of adding a 20 K ohm
resistor from P1 pin 8 to +5v. A second 20 K ohm resistor is
added from P1 pin 6 to ground. This modification will not effect
the module when it is commanded in parallel mode, from the Control
Board J5. This modification is necessary when connecting the DDS
Module to the Control Board J4. The following diagram is for an
interconnection cable, from Control Board J4 to DDS Module P1, to allow
a DDS Module to be serially commanded. (Added
Xtal Filter Module :
You may have seen DDS designs that
use a low pass filter on the output. These wide filters are
necessary to utilize the maximum capability of the DDS.
In the MSA, the DDS frequency is only changed about 7 KHz.
With this narrow bandwidth, a crystal filter is a logical choice for
filtering the DDS.
Selection of the Xtal Filter Bandwidth is a
compromise in the MSA. We would like to have the bandwidth of
this filter to be very narrow, to attenuate the alias and spur
frequencies that are created by the DDS. On the other
hand, we
need it wide enough to allow the DDS to "steer" the PLL 1 module as
much as possible to allow a high Phase Detector Frequency in PLL
1. The bandwidth of this DDS filter will determine the
maximum phase detector frequency of the PLL 1 module.
There are two very common 10.7 MHz crystal
filters, with bandwidths of 7.5 KHz and 15 KHz. Either one can be
used in the MSA. The narrower 7.5 KHz will allow fewer spurious,
and the wider 15 KHz will allow a lower overall phase noise in the
MSA. Either of these filters could be utilized and their outputs
taken directly to the PLL 1. The filtered output
level is enough to use
as a
Reference Clock for PLL 1. However, PLL 1 phase noise can be
by as much as 3 dB, by squaring the DDS Xtal Filter output
signal. The squaring circuit could be placed within the DDS
Xtal Filter Module, or placed in line, externally. The following
design is a combination and will accomodate any crystal filter.
The Schematic is a general purpose
for any Monolithic Crystal Filter. The values of
the components, L2, C8, and R1 are nominal.
They depend on the actual impedance characteristics of the MCF.
This design is for a 500 ohm input/output impedance.
The 74AC04 has a great deal of gain, and
when biased to its center, will function well for low input level sine
waves. The use of this module, in the MSA, is to square up the
10.7 MHz output of the DDS to drive the PLL 1 Module.
With no input, this circuit will, most likely, oscillate, so don't let
that fool you. Do not be tempted to use the spare gates of the
'04 for any other purpose.
Board Module :
Updated 3-14-06. I have made
some changes to the Control Board that will give the builder more
options on how to incorporate an AtoD converter. The change is,
schematically removing the integrated AtoD converter from the Control
Board. The builder then has the option to construct the AtoD
circuit directly onto the Control Board, or construct the AtoD as an
external module. The following are the options for the builder:
Control Board with integrated 8 Bit A/D, this is the original design.
Control Board with integrated 12 Bit A/D, this is an upgrade
of the original design.
Control Board with integrated 16 Bit Serial A/D. This
is the latest design, using an Analog Devices IC.
Control Board with external A/D Module with a connection cable.
If you have already built one of the previous Control Boards, don't
worry. The latest software version will handle all of the
options. You will notice that each option has dual A/D
conversion. The Phase AtoD is represented, but may be
ommitted. The presently designed MSA uses only the
Magnitude AtoD. The Phase A/D is there to use when I finalize the
MSA as a Vector Network Analyzer.
This is the new schematic of the MSA Control Board, RevA :
The Control Board is the Interface between the
home computer and the Modularized Spectrum
Analyzer's modules. U4 and U5 buffer the Computer's
port input (LPT
to allow a "hot swap". The addition of J6 allows connections to
an external AtoD Module. Of course, the AtoD can be integrated
directly onto the Control Board and J6 is not needed. Updated 9-7-06.
Add J7 connector for VNA upgrade. This modification is not
necessary for the basic MSA, or MSA with Tracking Generator.
Analog to Digital Converter
Modules :
The following AtoD designs can be built as a
module, or can be integrated directly onto the Control Board. If
integrated, the on-board 5v regulator circuit is not needed.
8 Bit A
to D Converter :
The A to
D is really an analog to analog
comparator. The computer
program does the itterations that a manufacturer's A to D chip would do
itself. The 8 bits of data supplied by the computer code is
converted to an analog voltage by U2 and U3 and compared (at U1) to the
voltage created by
the Log Detector Module. U2 and U3 are used as buffers, and
any 74HC series buffer could have been used. Use the best
precision resistors
possible in the ladder network. Use an ohmmeter and measure a
whole bunch of same value resistors, and select 25 that are the closest
to each other. 20 K ohms is a nominal value, but you can use
any value from 10K to 22K ohms. The better the resistor
tolerance, the better the log linearity will be. Don't settle for
worse than 1% difference in the ladder network.
To maintain the proper ladder resistance, the combination of
resistors R28-R31 and VR1 and VR2 must present a total load to the
ladder output point (R2, R3), that is exactly 3 times the
value of ladder resistor used. In this case, 3x20K=60 K
ohms. 8 Bit conversion will give the MSA an amplitude resolution
of about 0.3 dB. Click here to open the original schematic of the
Control Board with integrated
8 Bit AtoD.
12 Bit A to D
Converter :
Just as in the 8 Bit Converter, the
software commands U2, U3, and U4 to act like a Successive
Analog to Digital Converter. Here, 4 bits of data
supplied by the computer code is
converted to an analog voltage by U2, U3 and U4 and compared to the
voltage created by
the Log Detector Module. U2, U3 and U4 are used as a data latch, and
any 74HC series latch could have been used.
To maintain the proper ladder resistance, the combination of
resistors R40-R43 and VR1 and VR2 must present a total load to the
ladder output point (R2, R3), that is exactly 3 times the
value of ladder resistor used. In this case, 3x20=60 K ohms.
Since 12 bits will allow up to 4095
steps of resolution, the amplitude resolution is about .03 dB.
Click here to open the original schematic of the Control Board with 12 Bit DtoA.
16 Bit Serial A
to D Converter :
The software commands U2, U3 to
begin conversion with a single toggle of bit BD7. Subsequent
toggles of bit BD6 causes SCK to output a serial stream of
16 bits. Both A/D's can capture, and can then clock out their
data concurrently. The software will read these bits on the WAIT
and ACK lines. 16 bits will allow up to 65,536
steps of resolution. The 2 least significant bits are somewhat
noisy which yields, a more realistic, 14 bit resolution.
Therefore, with this scheme, the amplitude resolution of the MSA is
about .01 dB.
Master Oscillator Module :
I have designed the Master Oscillator into its own
module, because, many builders may want to use their own oscillator
designs. There are 3 modules in the MSA that require a Master
Clock signal: The DDS, PLL 2, and PLL 3 (Tracking Generator, if
This Master
Oscillator Module is designed for
maximum utility. The oscillator is buffered with a 74AC04 and has
3 outputs. Each output will drive a 50 ohm load,
but I suggest the load be capacitively coupled to reduce power
consumption in the buffer. If any output is not used, leave it
The CTS, MX045 is chosen because I
have had very good success with this inexpensive oscillator. It
is quite stable after a few minutes of warm up; however, it will not be
exactly on frequency. Therefore, I designed a "cheating" way to
set the
frequency. The oscillator will push in frequency with a minor
change of Vcc. The voltage regulator is biased with the 50 ohm
resistor and its output will be approximately 5.3 volts.
Construct the module with R1 in place, but with a small shorting wire
across R1. Adjust VR 1 for minimum resistance and check the
frequency. If you can adjust VR 1 to bring the frequency to
exactly 64 MHz, leave the short on R1. If not, open the short and
adjust VR1 for exact frequency. For example, one of my tests
that the 5v reg. was outputting 5.11 volts with the short. The
osc was at 64.000697 MHz. Adjusting VR 1 for 5.01 volts on the
MXO oscillator gave exactly 64.000000 MHz. If the builder is not
planning to add the optional Tracking Generator, the Master Oscillator
Frequency does not need to be adjusted. The software will allow
frequency intolerance.
I have found that when the module is totally
enclosed, the frequency becomes quite stable after about 5
minutes. However, with the module open, any air currents will
cause temperature changes on the MXO oscillator, and cause frequency
Note that, if the R1 is left in circuit, the tab of
voltage regulator is NOT at ground potential and must be isolated from
Optional Tracking Generator : Updated 8-26-06. I removed the
information for the tracking generator portion and moved in to it's own
page. Go here to see Tracking
Power Supply :
I do not show
a design for a power supply. Any Linear supply will work. DO
NOT use any form of switching supply. This analyzer is REALLY
sensitive and will pick up any switching noise. The voltage
regulators are on the Control Board. Required input voltages are
+24 v @ approx. 10 ma; +18 v to +24 v @ approx. 300 ma; and -8 v to -20
v @ approx. 10 ma. I should emphasize that good power supply
filtering and active component bypassing is very important. This
MSA is quite sensitive to very low input power levels and any
extraneous power supply noise can effect measurements.
Graph and Working Window :
Screen Prints of
Graph Window and Working Window This is a screen
print of the
Graph and Working Windows that open up when the program is run.
This particular sweep shows the "self test"
capability of the Spectrum Analyzer. The Center Frequency is
commanded to be 0 MHz and the Sweep Width is 10 times the
bandwidth of the final xtal filter. The plotted signal is Local
Oscillator 1, feeding through the first mixer, via the L to R
port. If the mixer L to R port isolation were higher, the
fed-thru signal would be lower in amplitude. My Prototype SSA
with M1J mixer is
indicating an L to R port isolation of about 46 dB.
The final xtal filter used
is 9.954 MHz C.F. and the bandwidth of the filter is 2
KHz. The boxes in red can be manipulated and the blue boxes are
status information. The Messages box is for displaying error
messages. I also use it for showing status of certain code
operations during the sweep. This sweep shows
the close-in phase
noise of the MSA and is determined mainly by the PLL 1. In this
case, the carrier to phase noise is -20.4 dBm (-) -79.2 dBm = 58.8
dBc. It is measured in a 2 KHz bandwidth (since the final xtal
filter is 2 KHz BW), and converting to a 1 Hz bandwidth
= 10logbw = 10log2000 = 33, 58.8 + 33 = - 91.8
Screen Print of
Off-Air TV This is an interesting MSA
plot of
Dallas, Texas's channel 8 and HDTV transmissions. Plot was taken
in "Rewrite" mode which displays only the peak readings. The
three markers are at Ch. 8's video and audio carrier and where Ch. 9's
audio carrier would normally be. Resolution BW is 2 KHz.
All those "spikes" are the harmonics of the 15.734 KHz horizontal sync
pulses. This was taken using an older version of the MSA software.
Here is an actual photo of the Computer's Monitor:
Here are few more photos of the Modularized Spectrum Analyzer :
This MSA is being tested with an interdigital filter, replacing
coaxial cavity filter. The results are less than good, due to
it's wide bandwidth. It allows too much image frequency energy to
pass. It also has a Frequency Multiplier scheme, temporarily
replacing the PLL 2/VCO 2 combination.
little about
me: My
name is Scotty Sprowls. I am a retired RF Design Engineer from
E-Systems / Raytheon. Although I am not an Amateur Radio
Operator, I do repair radios as a hobby. My frustration in
tuning cavity filters in diplexers for a couple of Hams caused me
create this Spectrum Analyzer to aid me. You can get in touch
with me, via email,
I will try to
answer your questions or comments as soon as possible.
(end of page)