Function - DDS
Signal Generators
Updated Dec 16, 2009

DDS 1 as a Signal Generator
Build Level Requirement: Any
Mode of Operation: Any
Primary Function: Disabled
    DDS 1 can be commanded to any fixed frequency between 0 Hz and 32 MHz (or one half the Master Clock frequency).  This is useful if only the Basic MSA is constructed and there is no MSA Tracking Generator.  The spare output of DDS 1 can be used as a CW Signal Generator.  The power level is about -8 dBm.  The frequency output is extremely stable, with very low phase noise.  However, the harmonics and alias frequencies will extend well into the GHz range.  They too, are extremely stable and can be used for a variety or laboratory experiments.
    Click the menu item, Setup, and select Special Tests.  The "Special Tests Window" will open.
  The data that is displayed in the "Command DDS 1" box is the present output frequency of DDS 1.  To command the frequency of DDS 1, enter a new value into the "Command DDS 1" box, in MHz.  Then click the "Command DDS 1" button.  To maintain frequency accuracy, do not change the value in the "with DDS Clock at" box unless you know it is incorrect.  DDS 1 will immediately command to the frequency value.  You may use as many decimal places as wanted, but the DDS output frequency will be rounded off to 14.9 millihertz.  The value must be between "0" and "32" (MHz), one half the value of the DDS clock.  If the entered data is outside these limits, and when the "Command DDS 1" button is clicked, an error will occur, and the program will halt.  The DDS 1 output frequency will remain at the new fixed frequency until the "Restart" button is clicked, even if the Special Tests Window is closed.  Therefore, if the sweep is resumed by using the "Continue" or "One Step" button, the DDS 1 output frequency will remain at the fixed frequency and the sweep plot may be meaningless, or not even there.
    When finished with this special test, close the Special Tests Window and click "Restart" to revert to normal operation.

DDS 3 as a Signal Generator
Build Level Requirement: MSA/TG or VNA
Mode of Operation: Spectrum Analyzer

Primary Function: Enabled
    DDS 3 can be commanded to any fixed frequency between 0 Hz and 32 MHz (or one half the Master Clock frequency).  Using DDS 3 as an independent Signal Generator does not impact the operation of the Spectrum Analyzer.  The spare output power level is about -8 dBm.  The frequency output is extremely stable, with very low phase noise.  However, the harmonics and alias frequencies will extend well into the GHz range.  They too, are extremely stable and can be used for a variety or laboratory experiments.
    Click the menu item, Setup, and select Special Tests.  The "Special Tests Window" will open.
  The data that is displayed in the "Command DDS 3" box is the present output frequency of DDS 3.  To command the frequency of DDS 3, enter a new value into the box, in MHz.  Then click the "Command DDS 3" button.  To maintain frequency accuracy, do not change the value in the "with DDS Clock at" box unless you know it is incorrect.  DDS 3 will immediately command to the frequency value.  You may use as many decimal places as wanted, but the DDS output frequency will be rounded off to 14.9 millihertz.  The value must be between "0" and "32" (MHz), one half the value of the DDS clock.  If the entered data is outside these limits, and when the "Command DDS 1" button is clicked, an error will occur, and the program will halt.  The DDS 3 output frequency will remain at the new fixed frequency until the "Restart" button is clicked, even if the Special Tests Window is closed.  Therefore, if the sweep is resumed by using the "Continue" or "One Step" button, the DDS 3 output frequency will remain at the fixed frequency and the sweep plot will be unaffected.
    When finished with this special test, close the Special Tests Window and click "Restart" to revert to normal operation.

DDS 3 as the Tracking Generator for the Spectrum Analyzer
Build Level Requirement: MSA/TG or VNA
Mode of Operation: Spectrum Analyzer

Primary Function: Enabled
    Of course, if DDS 3 is installed in the MSA, you already have a Tracking Generator capability.  Sometimes it is prudent to use the DDS 3 in lieu of the normal TG and that is why this Function was included in the software.  By clicking the "DDS 3 Track" button, the DDS 3 will become a Tracking Generator and the DDS 3 output frequency will track the Command frequency of the MSA.  It is limited to 0 MHz to 1/2 the Master Clock frequency, nominally 0-32 MHz.  The normal Tracking Generator output becomes non-functional when the DDS 3 is tracking.  The DDS 3 output is accessed on the DDS 3 Module, J3.
Follow these steps for proper operation:
    Open the Sweep Parameters Window, enter the wanted Center Frequency, anywhere between 0-32 (MHz).  This will be not only the MSA command frequency but also the DDS 3 output frequency.   Enter Sweep Width, but make sure the sweep will not go below 0, nor above 1/2 the frequency of the Master Clock.  If either value is outside these limits, this special test will crash.  Click OK, Restart, and then Halt the sweep.  Open the Special Tests Window.

the "DDS 3 Track" button.
 DDS3 will immediately command to the frequency that the MSA sweep halted at.
You may resume sweeping the Spectrum Analyzer by clicking [One Step] or [Continue].
If [Restart] is clicked, the MSA will revert to it's normal operation, that is, DDS 3 will return to its normal operation condition.
If [Restart] was clicked, and you wish to return to this special test for DDS 3 as a Tracking Generator, the "DDS 3 Track" button must be re-clicked
Then use only the
[Continue] or [One Step] buttons.
When finished with this special test, close the Special Tests Window and click "Restart" to revert to normal operation.

DDS 1 as a Sweep Generator
Build Level Requirement: Any
Mode of Operation: Any
Primary Function: Disabled

    DDS 1 can be used as an independent sweep generator between 0 Hz and 32 MHz (or one half the Master Clock frequency).  This is useful if only the Basic MSA is constructed and there is no MSA Tracking Generator.  The spare output of DDS 1 power level is about -8 dBm.  If the normal MSA Tracking Generator is installed the TG output will remain functional during this special test.  Normal operation of the Spectrum Analyzer will become altered, although some attributes are still functional.  The Log Detector and A to D converters remain functional.
Follow these steps for proper operation:
    Open the Sweep Parameters Window, enter the wanted Center Frequency, anywhere between 0-32 (MHz).  This will become the command to the DDS 1.  Enter Sweep Width, but make sure the sweep will not go below 0, nor above 1/2 the frequency of the Master Clock.  If either value is outside these limits, this special test will crash.  Click OK, Restart, and then Halt the sweep.
  Open the Special Tests Window.

the "DDS 1 Sweep" button. DDS1 will immediately command to the frequency that the MSA sweep is halted at.  The MSA will resume sweeping when [One Step] or [Continue] is pressed.  DDS 1 will sweep, coinsiding with the frequencies that are displayed.  If [Restart] is clicked, the MSA will revert to it's normal Spectrum Analyzer operation.  Therefore, to maintain DDS 1 as a Sweeping Generator, the "DDS 1 Sweep" button must be re-clicked, and then use only the [Continue] or [One Step] buttons.
    When finished with this special test, close the Special Tests Window and click "Restart" to revert to normal operation.

DDS 1 as a Tracking Generator or Scalar Network Analyzer
Build Level Requirement: Any
Mode of Operation: Any
Primary Function: Disabled

(This section is under construction)
    DDS 1 can be used as a Tracking Generator in combination with the Log Detector Module. It has a frequency limitation of about 1 MHz to 32 MHz.  The "front end" of the MSA is not used and the Log Detector is disconnected from the Final Crystal Filter.  The spare output connection (J3) of DDS 1 is used as a sweeping signal source and the Log Detector is used as the receiving detector. Although the Log Detector has an input dynamic range from +10 dBm to -100 dBm, the DDS 1 spare output has only an output power of about -8 dBm.  Therefore the total dynamic range of the DDS 1 and Log Detector combination is only 92 dB.  However, a low gain amplifier could be placed on the DDS 1 spare output to increase its output power, and thusly, increase the total dynamic range to over 100 dB.
    The following Graph is a Monolithic Crystal Filter response using the DDS 1 and Log Detector combination.  The DDS 1 spare output (J3) is connected to the MCF. The output of the MCF is connected to the Log Detector input (J1).  I have modified the Path 4 Calibration File to indicate power into the Log Detector rather than power into the input to the MSA. This gives the Magnitude scale a good indication of real power levels.
Operation is the same as the previous paragraph, "DDS 1 as a Sweep Generator".
Open the Sweep Parameters Window, enter the wanted Center Frequency, anywhere between 0-32 (MHz).  This will become the center frequency command for DDS 1.  Enter Sweep Width, but make sure the sweep will not go below 0, nor above 1/2 the frequency of the Master Clock.  If either value is outside these limits, this special test will crash.  Click OK, Restart, and then Halt the sweep.  Any indication in the Graph is meaningless.
  Open the Special Tests Window.

the "DDS 1 Sweep" button. DDS1 will immediately command to the frequency that the MSA sweep is halted at.  The MSA will resume sweeping when [One Step] or [Continue] is pressed.  DDS 1 will sweep, coinsiding with the frequencies that are displayed.  If [Restart] is clicked, the MSA will revert to it's normal Spectrum Analyzer operation.  Therefore, to maintain DDS 1 as a Tracking Generator, the "DDS 1 Sweep" button must be re-clicked, and then use only the [Continue] or [One Step] buttons.
    When finished with this special test, close the Special Tests Window and click "Restart" to revert to normal operation.

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